PRCA – 3334: Online Activism

I have actually participated in a social media campaign, or movement. The one in particular that I was involved with was the Human Rights Campaign/Equal Rights Campaign. This was particularly regarding the support of equal rights and marriage equality. I mainly joined this because it is something I am extremely passionate about. I am also someone that identifies as a homosexual male so it is definitely a topic that impacts me directly. The older I have gotten, the more I have realized that this is something that I should definitely pay attention to.

I believe that a great number of people decide to start and join movements and campaigns for two separate reasons. The first one being that it is a popularity thing. Social Media is a very open outlet. People tend to see what you have liked, what you are a part of, and how you feel about a certain issue. The second reason goes along with factors of the first, but Social Media is a growing outlet and set of technology. It is extremely popular and is a great way to get out there and talk about different topics through a medium that many people will have access to. I definitely see the advantages to using this type of publicity. I believe that getting sure widespread notoriety can be beneficial. However, I can also see negatives. A bad side to it being so public is that if the topic, or movement, is something people do not agree with, people will voice those opinions as well.

One thought on “PRCA – 3334: Online Activism”

  1. I think it is great that you joined a movement that you are passionate about. It is definitely more motivating to join a movement or discussion when it impacts your life directly. It just upsets me when people join a movement simply because they think it is the “cool” thing to do and because others are doing it.

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